TO ___________________________________ ____/____/____



Just a note regarding your attendance record for _____. Our

records indicate the following for the week just ending:

____ absent ____ tardy on Monday

____ absent ____ tardy on Wednesday

____ absent ____ tardy on Friday

Total(s) for this quarter are _____ tardies _____ absences

Excused absences or tardies are usually arranged for in advance. When circumstances prevent this, contact should be made either at the next rehearsal, by phone, or in writing with this form.

One unexcused absence or its equivalent, three-unexcused tardies, will seriously jeopardize your membership in the band. If the absences or tardies listed above are in error due to excusable circumstances, provide details below and return this at your earliest convenience.



Thanks for your part in helping make it happen in the band program!



Attendance Secretary